Project Manager

Your projects in safe hands

The Company’s Essence

A Project Manager is a professional in the field of constructive projects management , is responsible for planning, execution and closure.

At the end of the 20th century execution and direction of construction projects became developed in different fields. The standardization of constructive processes is starting to be evident since then mainly in North America. Result of this, appears the figure of the Project Manager, commonly known and of common application today.


The magnitude and complexity of the current projects of infrastructure and international contractual processes, make the execution process a part of the project, not a separate phase. Therefore, they needed professionals with a wide and varied experience.

A Project Manager is the person responsible for the achievement of the stated objectives of the project.

The initial tasks of an Associate Project Manager associated to construction, including the establishment of clear and achievable objectives of projects, the construction of the requirements of the project, and the management of deadlines, quality and costs. Add to these responsibilities the management of the work execution and other added conflicts. Proper operation and communication of the work teams will be crucial in this last aspect.

Comunication with the team

On the other hand, a Project Manager is also a representative of the client and acts as a bridge between the construction team and the client.

Therefore, the ability to adapt to different internal procedures of the Contracting Party, as well as to form close links with the designated representatives, is essential to ensure the satisfaction of customers, and ultimately his own organization.

A Project Manager, in essence, must have the responsibility and authority to be able to complete a project.

The tasks that a Project Manager faces at the beginning of a project lie in extract critical and important issues of the same. That is, clarify the reason for the project is important, specify the required quality to it, estimate its resources and its required deadlines. Also, You must manage his investment and financing, as well as evaluate the risk associated with it. Finally, the Project Manager must well close their projects. You must lay the groundwork for the production of a new project.

The selection of a Project Manager for an organization is essential to the success of any initiative. Is a serious mistake to select a Project Manager on the basis of criteria of availability rather than demand for joining certain critical personal skills, qualifications, experiences and knowledge. Statistics give mismanagement for a high percentage of the possible causes of failure of a project. Is determined then to the selection of this position, as essential part for success.

For a correct selection of the professional to be appointed Project Manager, is often quite helpful to group the different profiles of Director of projects in three categories.

The first, would represent a type of Project Manager with a more intuitive profile. This type of Manager, not generally noted for their knowledge or formal training in project management, however, knows how to use common sense and good practice in project management throughout his professional career.

An individual with this profile has probably managed to deliver a series of not very large volume projects with success and is a good Communicator, with well developed skills in the planning and organization. One of its strengths is to be proactive, that is noted when it comes to solving problems and their natural interactions with stakeholders.


The magnitude and complexity of the current projects of infrastructure and international contractual processes, make the execution process a part of the project, not a separate phase. Therefore, they needed professionals with a wide and varied experience.

A Project Manager is the person responsible for the achievement of the stated objectives of the project.

Another profile may be defined as the methodological Project Manager. That is, a professional with good handling and great technical training of project management. In addition, tends to be able to apply their own procedures and practices, improved with experience, to control the project’s effectively.

A profile like this one is thus the best suited for larger projects, where informal methods would not work.

Highly complex projects

The last type of profile, could be the judicious Project Manager type.

Accredits a great experience in relation to the application of many tools and techniques management of different projects. In addition, it has highly developed general management skills and strategic thinking.

This type of Project Manager, in his work, will always depart from the application of the principles of good management of projects, which will be used to employ a series of tools and techniques in a flexible and creative manner. Individuals who have this profile are comfortable with highly complex projects and even managing a portfolio of projects.

To ensure the success in the choice of the Project Director, especially if his destination will be the management of complex projects of large volume.

We must find that the candidate should not only have specific project management skills, but also all the other skills that they might be expected of a Senior Executive.

The most important include the ability of negotiation, leadership, teamwork and skills to succeed in change management; all of them are vital to occupy a position of such responsibility and requires initiative and good communication skills.

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