Construction Recruitment

All kinds of projects, all kinds of specialists

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The best civil engineers

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Professional candidates from the first day!

Our process

What do you need?

Tell us your needs in our form or by email, as precise as possible, and we will post your job offer. The more information you provide, the easier it is for us to find the appropriate and professional candidate for your project.


Your opinion is very important in the selection process. Therefor we will give you access to our online software program that permit you to follow the process in real time and allow you to send us your feedback on the candidates.


We work on a customer-friendly “no cure – no pay” basis.
We guarantee professionalism and neatness when carrying out our work. Once we have clarified your needs, we will propose to you the specific conditions of collaboration in writing.


We are in this together. Our main objective is to present the most suitable candidates. Therefore, we promise to replace them if you are not satisfied, during the first three months, free of charge.

Technical staff to find the best technicians

Who we are

Since our establishment as outsourcing company in the year 2012, we work to improve the relationship between construction companies and their employees. This got us mediating in negotiations between the two sides.

Our selection and contract procedures are the most effective due to the experience gained throughout this period of time.

Our social sites can be found distributed throughout Europe. We are an organization that is decentralized with a clear link in common: excellent communications and excellent service. We have partners in every corner of the world. Check for countries and regions!.

We distinguish ourselves by offering a comprehensive service of outsourcing of technical personnel specialized at a reduced cost that demarcate our competitors.

They trust in us

Some Clients

Our personalized attention 365 days a year, makes us a secure tool to solve labor staffing.
You can also use our customer form, in less than 24 hours you will be contacted.

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